Who we are...
The Arnside & Silverdale AONB Landscape Trust is a registered charity dedicated to conserving, restoring and enhancing the natural landscape of the AONB and the surrounding area. We have more than a thousand members, drawn from all walks of life and from all age groups.
Our Officers and Trustees are elected from our general membership. All give their time freely, as passionate advocates of our aims.
Our aims...

By improving and conserving the AONB's important habitats and geological features, we aim to protect its natural beauty for the benefit of everyone who lives or works within it, as well as those who visit, or merely pass through.

By providing educational activities, we aim to promote a greater understanding of just what makes our AONB so special and what we all need to do to contribute to its conservation.

By promoting and providing appropriate recreational opportunities, we aim to help people connect with the landscape and develop a greater appreciation of the unique character of our AONB.
What we do...
The Trust owns a number of reserves within the AONB, which we manage for sustainability, biodiversity and geodiversity. Our reserves are open every day to the public for quiet recreation.

We run a busy, varied and exciting programme of events each year, including social events, competitions, lectures, exhibitions, festivals, field trips and visits – often to places not open to the public. Most of our events are free.
We publish a range of items including books, maps and a 2019 calendar, featuring photos from around the AONB. We also produce three editions each year of our journal, Keer to Kent, which we send out free to our members.

Local Projects
We offer small grants and practical assistance for local projects aimed at restoring and conserving the natural, cultural or industrial heritage of the AONB.
Our people...
Members of the Management Committee

John Wilson
We are honoured to have John WIlson as our President. John was the first warden at RSPB Leighton Moss and has devoted more than 50 years to habitat restoration and improvement projects throughout the AONB, as well as being instrumental in conducting countless local wildlife studies. John's energy and enthusiasm for conserving and enhancing the habitats of our wonderful AONB, together with his passion for wildlife generally, are truly inspiring.
Honorary Life Members
In recognition of their long-running and significant contributions to the activities of the Trust the following individuals have been granted Honorary Life Membership of the Trust.
Ken Kitchen
Ernest Crackle
Colin Patrick
Ann Kitchen
The Honour Roll
Former Honorary Life Members of the Trust who are sadly no longer with us.
Sheila May
Peter Standing
We are proud to work alongside and in partnership with these other conservation and community organisations active in our AONB.