Keer to Kent
The Journal of the Landscape Trust
Published three times a year, Keer to Kent is a journal dedicated to the exploration and discussion of a wide variety of subjects associated with the Trust and the local area. It is delivered automatically free of charge to all members.
Non-members may purchase copies of the latest edition of Keer to Kent from the AONB Office, as well as from many other local outlets, for £2.00.
Autumn/Winter 2020
This edition of Keer to Kent includes:
- The Garden at Grey Walls
- A Pre-eminent Polje
- Tides of the Kent Estuary
- Lady's-slipper Orchids at Gait Barrows
Keer to Kent On-line
Supplementary material relating to articles in the Journal can be found in our new on-line area, Keer to Kent Extra. This area is open and free to all to read.
Archive and Back-numbers
Back-numbers are available from AONB Office as well as from our on-line shop. The most recent back-issue is priced at £1.00, whilst the back-issue immediately prior to that costs 50p. All earlier back-issues are free.
In addition, you will find an increasing number of back-numbers available for on-line browsing or download in our new Keer to Kent Archive. Again, this area is free to access and open to all. This area includes a full searchable digital index to all articles, features, photographs and other content kindly compiled and kept up to date by Mike Smith. If you would like copies of articles not currently available in the on-line archive, please contact the Secretary with your request.
Suggestions for articles
We are always open to suggestions or offers for articles for inclusion in Keer to Kent, so if there is something you’d like to know more about, or are able to provide which you think will be of interest to our members, then our editor would love to you hear from you. Please contact James Deboo at
Wall calendars.
We are pleased to announce that our 2023 full-colour wall calendar is now available to buy. This year we are featuring a series of stunning aerial views of the AONB, all captured by Landscape Trust Secretary, Mike Warren.
All of our previous calendars were very popular indeed and we are sure that our latest one will prove just as popular — it is already selling rapidly. You can purchase your copy locally from the AONB Partnership Office (Mon-Thurs, 10:00-13:00), Bullough’s Londis Shop, Arnside or via the Landscape Trust on-line shop for postal delivery nationwide.
General Interest Books
From time to time, the Trust publishes its own books and other materials which we hope will be of interest to our members as well as to visitors and lovers of the AONB in general. The currently available volumes include personal anthologies of their favourite articles from Keer to Kent by former editors Barry Ayre and Terry Keefe, plus a reprint of Leonard Smith’s highly popular book about Milnthorpe and its former role as a sea port, Kendal’s Port.
Copies of these books can be purchased at selected events around the AONB during the year, as well as via our on-line shop.
The Arnside and Silverdale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
Keer to Kent
Terry Keefe
From 'Keer to Kent'
Barry Ayre
Hand-drawn Map
We have a limited number of photocopy reproductions of Richard Daly’s beautiful pen-and-ink hand-drawn map of the AONB available for purchase. These are A0-sized black-and-white reproductions, which may be framed as they are, or can be coloured as you wish to create a unique and striking addition to any wall.
Copies of the map are only available via the Landscape Trust at selected events around the AONB during the year.