Credits & Copyrights

The Landscape Trust would like to say a very big “thank you” to all of the people without whose generous support this website would not exist as it is today.
Written materials
All written materials are copyright Arnside/Silverdale Landscape Trust or their original author.
We are grateful to the following people for their written contributions to the site:
Steve Benner, Roger Cartwright, Ann Kitchen, Colin Peacock, Bob Pickup, Peter Standing, Lisa Whistlecroft
Photography & Graphics
Copyright exists in all photographic and graphical material used on this site unless otherwise made clear. No photographs or graphical material should be copied or used elsewhere without the express permission of the copyright holders.
We are grateful to the following photographers for allowing us to use their work freely on our website:
Steve Benner, Steve Childs, Brian Hancock, Ann Kitchen, Ken Kitchen, Colin Peacock, Peter Standing, David Talbot, Lisa Whistlecroft
We created our free logos for this site at
Web Hosting
We would like to give a big shout-out to our awesome web hosts, Kualo, and their free UK Charity hosting service.
Questions? Queries?
If you have any questions or queries regarding our use of material, our crediting or acknowledgement of contributions to this site (or want to complain that we seem to have accidentally missed you out!) then please do get in touch using the form below.
Contact Us
- The Old Station Building, Arnside, Carnforth, LA5 0HG
- 01524 761034