'Keer to Kent' Archive

Issue 22 – Winter 1993/94

Issue 22 of Keer to Kent was edited by Barry Ayre and included a comprehensive round-up of recent Landscape Trust events, memories of Edwardian Silverdale, a robust observation of visitor behaviour on Arnside Promenade and a lively collection of readers’ letters in addition to the usual news from partnership organisations across the AONB. The front cover drawing was by Donald Dakeyne.  The issue was typeset by Liza Henderson and printed by Pagefast, Ltd, Lancaster.


Editorial & ContentsBarry Ayre2
Landscape Trust EventsHarry Bratherton, Jane Lambert, Ralph Henderson, Ian E. Henderson3
Moth Spotting at Gait BarrowsMartin, Gwen & George Tordoff4
Letters to the Editor6
More Memories of Edwardian SilverdaleLeonard Fitzjames8
Memory LanePostcards from the collection of Mike Moon9
Spite WallsNoel Livesey10
The Earth Moved!Barry Ayre10
Woodland ManagementRoger N. Cartwright11
Lancaster Canal UpdateAnne Nichols13
Personal Viewpoint: Visitor Behaviour on Arnside PromenadeDr George Steele12
Out in All WeathersRebecca Oaks14
A Country Lover's DiaryDulcie Matthews14
New Assistant Countryside Management OfficerTony Riden14
Field ReportsBill Grayson, John Wilson,
Robert Petley-Jones
Dates for Your Diary16

The Issue

A scanned copy of the complete issue can be browsed below. 

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Copyright information: please note that the printed edition of “Keer to Kent” and this digital reproduction are copyright of the Arnside/Silverdale AONB Landscape Trust. No part of this publication can be reproduced or republished elsewhere without permission from the Trust. Copies may be downloaded from this web site for personal, non-commercial use only. 

Unless otherwise stated, copyright of articles and other original content within this edition remains with the original contributors.