'Keer to Kent' Archive

Issue 96 – Summer 2018

Issue 96 of Keer to Kent was the second edition of the Journal with Ruth Ainsworth at the helm as Editor. In this edition she was to make her mark by introducing a fresh new look, with a new typeface and a new approach to layout and content.  In addition to the usual reports from the Trust (including details of the major new land purchase at Coldwell) and from partner organisations across the AONB, the issue contained articles on the exploration of disused mines at Silverdale, an investigation of the old chimney site at Jenny Brown’s Point, and a detailed look at Limestone Pavement Orders and at the nature of the precious landscapes that these are designed to protect. The cover photo was by Jeff Worsnop. Additional photographs were by the individual article authors, plus Darren Andrews, Liz Withey and Chris Gomersall (RSPB Images). This edition was edited by Ruth Ainsworth, supported by Ann Kitchen and James Deboo as Editorial Committee. It was printed by Pagefast, Lancaster.


Contents & Letter from the ChairFiona Allan2
Arnside/Silverdale Landscape Trust Newsletter - Summer 2018Mike Warren3
ASLT Reserves ReportBob Pickup & John Wilson4
RSPB report
National Trust Report
Jon Carter
Craig McCoy
Woodland Management at Teddy HeightsColin Peacock & Gary Marsh6
A Different View of Silverdale from a novice mine explorerLiz Withey8
Investigating the Jenny Brown's Point chimney siteLouise Martin10
Limestone Pavements Orders - Protection in PerpetuityMargaret Evans12
Meet the VillagesPeter Standing14
Constance Holme's Beautiful EndCarran Waterfield16
Birds about the AONB Spring/Summer 2018Mike Redman20

The Issue

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Copyright information: please note that the printed edition of “Keer to Kent” and this digital reproduction are copyright of the Arnside/Silverdale AONB Landscape Trust. No part of this publication can be reproduced or republished elsewhere without permission from the Trust. Copies may be downloaded from this web site for personal, non-commercial use only. 

Unless otherwise stated, copyright of articles and other original content within this edition remains with the original contributors.