'Keer to Kent' Archive

Issue 1 – September 1986

The first edition of Keer to Kent was edited by Elizabeth Davis, assisted by Graeme McCaig.  In addition to the articles listed below, it featured sketches and photographs by Derek Dobson, Mary Newell, Glad Bray, Jim White and John Fielding.


Arnside/Silverdale: An Area of Outstanding Natural BeautyBill Johnston2
Looking after the area's countrysideJeff Redgrave4
The wildlife of the Arnside/Silverdale areaJohn Wilson5
Around the Fairy Steps'The Stroller'6
What to look for in autumn7
The National Trust in Arnside/SilverdaleLawrence Harwood8
Volunteer Countryside Management Programme9
The YealandsCarol Shaw10
Know your footpathsBill Johnston11
What is the Trust12

The Issue

A scanned copy of the complete issue can be browsed below. 

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Copyright information: please note that the printed edition of “Keer to Kent” and this digital reproduction are copyright of the Arnside/Silverdale AONB Landscape Trust. No part of this publication can be reproduced or republished elsewhere without permission from the Trust. Copies may be downloaded from this web site for personal, non-commercial use only. 

Unless otherwise stated, copyright of articles and other original content within this edition remains with the original contributors.