These pictures, supplied by Roger Cartwright show how the area looked before it was designated as an AONB, or in its early years.
Kent Estuary, 1967: Possible road bridge position.
Middlebarrow Quarry, 1967
Middlebarrow Wood, 1967White Creek, 1967Brackenthwaite Road, 1967 — Recent conspicuous housing at Slackhead in the backgroundSilverdale Moss from Arnside Knott, 1968Middlebarrow Quarry entrance, 1975
Documents relating to the planning of the AONB
Letter from James Drake, Lancashire County Surveyor, re AONB, 1970Morecambe Bay Economic Study Landscape MapMemo from David Tattersal re AONB, March 1969
The May Day Bank holidays saw our Coldwell Horseshoe reserves hosting two contrasting but equally successful events for members of the Trust and the general public. The weather wasn’t its best on either occasion but it did stay (largely) dry and everyone gave every appearance of enjoying their visit.
Brown Hairstreak butterfly has been recorded in and near to Coldwell Parrock and Gait Barrows NNR over recent years. This has generated great interest and discussion, as Tom Dunbar explains.
Anyone visiting or driving past our reserve at Coldwell Parrock can hardly have failed to notice that the Landscape Trust is currently undertaking a considerable amount of work on the trees and shrub growth around its boundaries. This article by our reserves team explains what is happening and why.
Landscape conservation has been practised in the pastures around Coldwell Farm for even longer than the AONB has existed. The Trust’s latest acquisition of reserve land at Coldwell will ensure that it continues into the future.
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