A planning application has gone in for this site at Sandside which comprises Willacy’s builder’s store and the car lot as well as a couple of fields the other side of Quarry Lane. The whole area is 2.5 hectare witht the Waterfront site between Quarry Lane and Park Road being 1.08 hectares. Full details of the application can be found on the SLDC Planning Department web pages. The paperwork associated with the application extends to over 100 separate documents providing full details of each of the three sites covered by the proposed development and whilst these have extensive illustration of individual buildings / building units, none give any indication of the development in the overall wider view of the landscape, other than the artist’s impression below:
Ann Kitchen has kindly supplied a series of Photoshop mock-ups, using the information supplied in the application, appropriately overlaid onto contemporary photographs of the location to illustrate the likely impact of the Waterside development on the visual environment. She stresses that the images are in no way official and are only approximate representations. She feels that she has probably made the buildings appear smaller than they would be in reality.
Anyone wishing to make a comment to the planning authority regarding this application (either in support, to object or merely make a general observation) can do so via the SLDC Planning Department online comment form. Any comments received prior to a decision being taken will be taken into account but to be safe, you should aim to make your submission by no later than Wednesday 15th February 2023. Please note that objections can only be made on very specific grounds; these are listed on the SLDC Planning department website.